Saturday, June 20, 2009

Chorizo Breakfast Burritos

We were introduced to Chorizo this meltly Mexican sausage when we were camping with Auntie Chris’s friends in the middle 1970’s. It became one of our favorite easy breakfast meals. My favorite is the pork Chorizo. Melt some chorizo in a frying pan and when it is melted add beaten eggs. The amounts depend on how spicy you like your chorizo mixed with egg, experiment. This egg mixture is traditionally served with a folded tortilla shell. Some people like to wrap it like a burrito. If you feel like variations grated cheese, salsa, diced avocado, sour cream, chopped cilantro even diced red onion can be added. I have even put all these ingredients in the tortilla shell folded like a burrito and sautéed it in olive oil. Easy to make Enjoy!

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