Thursday, July 2, 2009


My mom made this easy recipe often and she would use both pork and chicken. Joy likes to use boneless country ribs and chicken thighs. Lisa offered a suggestion which Joy love and that is to give the adobo a sweeter taste without adding sugar use an onion. It is the perfect solution! Boneless country style pork ribs 1 lb 1 lb chicken thighs cut in half 1 cup vinegar (either distilled or apple cider not a sweet one) 1 head of garlic smashed you can leave the peels on 1 teas peppercorns About an eighth cup of soy sauce 1 lg bay leaf 1 small onion ruffly chopped Water Mom cooks the pork first before adding the chicken but if you use the boneless ribs and cut them in lg cubes it doesn’t need to be precooked. Place the onion, garlic, peppercorns, soy sauce, bay leaf, vinegar and water in first then arrange the chicken on top. Cook covered for about 30 minutes or more until the pork is tender on medium heat so as not to burn. Cook uncovered adjusting the seasoning until all broth has evaporated and fry in the remaining fat. Great meal that doesn’t require too much preparation time.

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