This was our Disneyland dish when Lisa, Lyle and Leilani were young. We would arrive at Disneyland early in the morning, do a much of rides and go back to the van for lunch. Have lunch take a nap and then go back to the park for more fun. As Joel and Ariana got older this was a favorite that they asked all the time.

Chicken pieces preferably thighs and/or legs washed and patted dry
Oil for deep frying (amount depending on pan size), don’t over load the pan with either oil or chicken or it could boil over!! Oil needs to be at 360 to 375 degrees when chicken is placed in ideal frying time should be 350 the raw chicken will bring the temperature down. Cook chicken until it’s done, big thighs takes 7 minutes on skin side first then another 7 minutes on the other side.
Drain on paper towels and season while still real hot …Grandma’s recipe calls for salt and paprika and our new seasoning is lemon pepper(which is very salty so be careful when seasoning) Brings back memories.... Enjoy!!
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