Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Roasted Vegetables

This side dish is Joy's friend Britta’s favorite. The blending of all the fresh herbs, the garlic, garlic and then more garlic in the olive oil base marinade make this a stand out dish! Joy love herbs, chilies, and garlic as condiments paired with fresh roasted vegees purrrfect…I know our Leilani likes this one, especially when Joy makes it into a toasted sandwich. The Marinade Rosemary Basil Flat leaf parsley Cilantro Thyme Tarragon (this is strong not too much) Oregano Jalapeno Garlic (can be roasted if garlic is too strong for your taste but use much more) Olive oil Lemon, lime juice of, or yuzu sauce Salt, cayenne and black pepper Zucchini, Green, red yellow peppers, Egg plant, Mushrooms any kind or a combo, Red or sweet onion, Green beans or haricot covet, snap peas, Okra or any veggie in season In a food processor or equivalent appliance blend handfuls of the washed herbs with olive oil citrus juice and seasoning. Wash, dry and cut into large serving pieces the vegees cover with some of the marinade. Place the marinaded vegees in a roasting pan and put in a 400o oven for between 30 to 45 mins or in a barbecue basket and grill until done on the grill on both sides. Sauce can be heated or used raw on finished vegees! Bon apetit!

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